The resignation of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will not entail a reduction in spending on aid to Ukraine. Thus, the influence of the political crisis on the support of Kiev by London was assessed by the program director of the Valdai club Oleg Barabanov in an interview with".

According to him, while Johnson will temporarily serve as head of government, all his actions will be closely monitored, and official expenses will be disputed. "I don't think this will lead to a reduction in British spending on Ukraine, because they will support Ukraine to the end. The policy will not change here," the political scientist noted.

On Thursday, July 7, Johnson announced his resignation from the post of Prime Minister of Great Britain. The politician was forced to resign because of a loud scandal caused by drunken harassment of his protege, deputy coordinator of the Conservative Party Chris Pinscher. During his address to the nation, Johnson thanked the Cabinet of Ministers, calling one of the key achievements of his government a leading role in countering Putin's "aggression in Ukraine." He also appealed to the Ukrainian people, promising that London will continue to support Kiev.

From the very beginning of hostilities, Great Britain has provided political, financial and military-technical support to Ukraine. The country has adopted several packages of sanctions against Russia, and Foreign Minister Liz Truss has promised to introduce new restrictions until the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. In addition, the British authorities regularly supply Kiev with weapons — in total, about 2.3 billion pounds were allocated for these purposes.

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