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Hilo: Breaking news - 7 july 2022

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    Breaking news - 7 july 2022

    After the resignation of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the political balance may be disrupted in the European Union (EU) and the United States, he said in a conversation with Lenta.<url>" Director General of the Russian Council for International Affairs Andrey Kortunov. He also assessed the possibility of large-scale resignations in the West.

    "There is no general rule here, each country has its own political dynamics, its own cycles. If we talk about the UK, then in many ways Boris Johnson is a unique figure in the British political firmament, a politician prone to unexpected decisions, shocking. In addition, he has to deal with the consequences of Brexit. Britain has a rather difficult economic situation, there are problems of Scottish nationalism, unresolved problems of Northern Ireland," he said.

    At the same time, mass resignations among European politicians are unlikely. However, the trend of weakening political leadership in the West is obvious, the political scientist says.

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