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Hilo: Europe news - 7 july 2022 year

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    OckavTug está desconectado
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    Europe news - 7 july 2022 year

    Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi refused to attend and did not come to the official dinner of the foreign ministers of the G20 member countries because of the likelihood of his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov's presence at the meeting. This is reported by the Japanese Kyodo News agency (KN).

    "Due to the fact that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov could be present there, it was decided that the presence of the head of [the Japanese Foreign Ministry] would be inappropriate," the publication says about Hayashi's refusal to have dinner in the presence of his Russian counterpart.

    Earlier, the representative of the Foreign Policy Service of the European Union, Nabil Massrali, said that if Russia participates in the G20 forum in Indonesia, the credibility of this organization and its authority on the part of the European Commission (EC) may be lost. According to her, Russia's participation in the G20 "may cast doubt on the effectiveness of the forum and its credibility."

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