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Hilo: Biden and Putin news - 7-07-2022

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    Biden and Putin news - 7-07-2022

    The more military assistance Western countries provide to Ukraine, the more often local authorities ask for it and the more they expand their requests. This opinion was expressed by a senior Pentagon representative at a briefing, fragments of which are published by RIA Novosti.

    According to him, now Kiev wants to get helicopters, including attack helicopters, as well as anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems. "It looks like they want these opportunities. And the more they can get, the more they want," the Pentagon said.

    In addition to military assistance provided by a number of countries around the world, Ukraine should receive $1.5 billion from the World Bank. In addition, US President Joe Biden signed a decree according to which Kiev will receive $ 40 billion in aid.

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