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Hilo: News today - 7 july 2022 year

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    News today - 7 july 2022 year

    The new British government, which will be formed after the resignation of Prime Minister Johnson due to the political crisis, will in any case remain hostile to Russia and continue the course of introducing anti-Russian sanctions. The impact of Johnson's decision on Russian-British relations in an interview with" was evaluated by Elena Ananyeva, Head of the Center for British Studies at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).

    "Maybe there will be a pause [in the continuation of the political course towards a public confrontation with Russia], maybe there will be no pause. No one knows anything yet. But in any case, the anti—Russian orientation of the government will remain," the political scientist concluded.

    Johnson left his post on July 7. He made this decision in the wake of the resignations of a number of members of the British Cabinet.

    "The reason why I have been fighting so hard for the last few days to continue to fulfill my duties is not only my desire, but also because I felt my duty, my responsibility to the people," Johnson said, adding that he was sad to give up "the best job in the world"..

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