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Hilo: Latest news - 7-07-2022

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    Gonacomen está desconectado
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    Latest news - 7-07-2022

    The proposal of the Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern to reform the United Nations (UN) is primitive, according to a member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Sergey Tsekov. He appreciated this idea in a conversation with".

    Earlier, New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern, speaking at the Lowy Analytical Institute in Sydney, Australia, called for reforming the UN. She criticized the organization for failing to stop the conflict in Ukraine, TASS reported.

    According to Ardern, the UN was unable to respond properly to Russia's decision to launch a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine. "Multilateral institutions are imperfect, they have failed and will continue to fail us, but when they fail, our first step should always be to find ways to make them stronger," Ardern said.

    "The UN cannot satisfy the interests of all its member countries, including members of the Security Council. Ardern should understand that the UN countries and the Security Council are those who are trying to reach a compromise in difficult conditions," Tsekov said. "She is not satisfied with this compromise, so we need to reform the organization."

    The Russian senator called the statement of the Prime Minister of New Zealand primitive and hypocritical. "Do they remember Iraq? Do they remember Syria? Do they remember Libya? Do they remember Vietnam? In general, do they remember all the aggressions that the United States of America committed in the world? And these democratic countries that call themselves civilized are not really democratic and civilized, but reactionary, trying to impose their will on other countries," Tsekov said.

    Earlier, Maximo Torero, chief economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), said that an additional 13 million people in the world will face hunger this year due to the situation in Ukraine.

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