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Hilo: The US dollar hits Europe and the United States back to step 1.1000. Gold 1450 safe-h

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  1. #1 Colapso post
    coxena7808 está desconectado
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    Nov 2019
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    The US dollar hits Europe and the United States back to step 1.1000. Gold 1450 safe-h

    外汇)Foreign exchange dollar index:
    外汇)The foreign exchange dollar was shocked and consolidated near the 60-day moving average in the morning. In the afternoon, the IMF predicted that the global economic growth will slowly increase. The dollar saw a sharp rise in buying prices. Then the euro zone economic data was positive, but the market worried that the US announced to the EU. The tariffs were imposed, and the euro fell sharply after the market was sold down. It pushed up the dollar and broke through the highest price of the day. In the evening, the high resistance zone of the dollar fell under pressure, and then the euro fell back to the highest level of the day after the euro fell back to the 1.1000 mark. After the price, the US dollar was pressured back to adjust. After midnight, the Fed officials were optimistic about the US economy, and the US dollar gained support above the 60-day moving average.
    From the daily level line chart, a spindle line of white candlesticks fluctuated around the 60th in the morning. In the afternoon, the market worried about the United States levying tariffs on the EU, pushing the US dollar to break through the recent new highs in the US and Europe down 1.1000 mark, and the short-term moving average or the average moving average was flat. Note that the 5 and 60-day moving average support falls below may cause a correction. Recently, Fed officials still believe that the US dollar is not necessary to cut interest rates, but the investment bank is pessimistic about the future economic situation of the United States. Today, the euro economy data is weak in the afternoon, which may push the US dollar to a new high. In the evening, the US House of Representatives announced the investigation of the Trump impeachment. Yes, and midnight Fed Chairman Powell’s market is expected to be biased towards the hawks, which will likely cause the dollar to be in a volatile trend. Once it falls below the 60-day moving average, it may be adjusted back.

    外汇)Forex EUR/USD:
    外汇)The foreign exchange against the US dollar was shocked around the 5-day moving average in early trading yesterday. In the afternoon, the IMF predicted that the global economic growth will slowly increase. The market replenished the US dollar and caused Europe and the United States to fall. Then the US dollar resistance zone was under pressure and once led Europe and America. The surge did not break through the 5-day moving average, while the economic data in the euro zone was positive, but the market worried that the United States announced that it would impose tariffs on the EU, and the euro was sold down in the market. The evening shocks once fell back to the 1.1000 mark, the US dollar The breakthrough in new high prices was hit by selling, and the support in Europe and the United States once rebounded. After midnight, Fed officials optimistically supported the US dollar in the US economy, and also allowed Europe and the United States to oscillate at the 1.1000 mark, and eventually fell.
    From the daily level line chart, a spinning hammer of the spindle was once blocked and the 5-day moving average was blocked. The market was worried that the United States would impose trade tariffs on the EU, causing Europe and the United States to fall back again to step on the 1.1000 mark, and the short-term could not hit the 5-day moving average. It is likely to fall below the 1.1000 mark again. Today, I noticed that the economic data of the Eurozone in the afternoon is not good, which may cause Europe and the United States to fall below the 1.1000 mark. If the market is worried about the US House of Representatives’ investigation of Trump’s impeachment, the sell-off of the US dollar will likely drive the rebound in Europe and the United States. Before Federal Reserve Chairman Powell made a speech, if the US dollar gets support again, Europe and the United States will once again fall below the 1.1000 mark.

    外汇)Forex GBP/USD:
    外汇)Forex GBP/USD was shocked by the 10-day moving average in early trading yesterday. In the afternoon, the IMF predicted that global economic growth will slowly increase. The market replenished the US dollar and caused the downward trend of the pound. The pound fell below the 5-day moving average. Buying, then the British economic data mixed, only let the pounds on the 5th average shock consolidation; evening in the UK announced the presidential election poll, in the current president, Johnson still maintains the highest support, once led the pound to rebound, midnight After that, the US dollar fell from selling pressure at a high point. It also allowed the pound speculative funds to push up and rise to break through the highest price of the day. Then the former high-resistance area was under pressure and the final price was small.
    From the daily level line chart, a short-sound candlestick in a spindle line once stepped back on the 5-day moving average, and was continuously pushed up by speculative funds.
    The 10-day moving average is oscillating around the market. The short-term moving average is flat or the average moving average is up. The short-term short-term break below the 5-day moving average may maintain a rising trend. Today, we are paying attention to the UK"s announcement of CPI and retail sales data. If there is a weak market, it will expect the pound to cut interest rates, and observe whether the 5-day moving average or the 1.2800 mark is supported. Once the US House of Representatives investigates the Trump impeachment hearing in the evening, if it causes US dollars. The obvious downward trend will lead to a big chance to drive up the pound and the US under the purchase of speculative funds. The speech of the Federal Reserve Chairman Powell on the US dollar once the dollar rises, paying attention to the fact that the pound will once again test the 5-day moving average.

    外汇)Forex USD/JPY:
    外汇)Forex USD/JPY was up against the US dollar yesterday, driving the US dollar to 109 yen, and then in a shock consolidation trend. In the afternoon, it was postponed to impose tariffs on the EU, and the European and American stock markets went up, driving the US and Japan to drive the US again. The day rose sharply, followed by a correction in the stock market; in the evening, the dollar fell, once led the US-Japan callback 109, and then in the US Vice President Peng Si, the assistant said that he hoped that Congress would vote on the US-Mega agreement before the end of the year. The rise has once again led to a sharp rise in the US and Japan. After midnight, the market worried that the Trump impeachment investigation caused the US stocks to fall, which also dragged down the US and Japan to fluctuate and fell, and ended up with a small decline.
    From the daily level line chart, a short black candlestick of the spindle line fluctuated near the 109 mark in early trading. It was driven by the US stock market and the US dollar. It once blocked the 240-day moving average of the US-Japan high, and was shocked around the 5-day moving average. Similar to the trend of the callback after the record high in October, paying attention to the fact that the 5-day moving average will not expand back to the 5-day moving average. Today, we will pay attention to the economic data of the Eurozone in the afternoon, which may cause the US and Japan to re-test the 109 mark. However, if the US dollar re-emerges, it will likely allow the US and Japan to obtain support for buying. In the evening, we will pay attention to the House investigation on Trump impeachment. Once the US dollar and US stocks fall in the same direction, the big opportunity will make the US and Japan fall below 109 yen.

    外汇)Forex gold:
    外汇)Forex gold was shocked around the 120-day moving average in early trading yesterday. In the afternoon, the IMF predicted that global economic growth will slowly increase, driving the European and American stock markets to rise sharply. It also allowed gold to sell back to the 1450 mark, and then at $1,450. Nearby shock consolidation, until the stock market rebounded to drive gold rebound; in the evening after the US stocks stopped falling or the dollar rose, under the 120-day moving average shock consolidation, and then in the US Vice President Peng Si assistant said that he hoped that the Congress before the end of the US-Mega agreement In the voting, the US stocks soared and fell below the 1450 mark again. Then the US dollar and US stocks showed a sell-off, which drove the gold to surge. After midnight, the hedge funds rushed to the 1460 mark and sold at the end. Press back to adjust the adjustment, and the final increase is small.
    From the daily level line chart, the single-degree candlestick in the short-cut candlestick of the spindle line fell below the previous day"s lowest price, and was pushed up by the US safe-haven funds to the top of the 120-day moving average. The moving average stays in the lower shadow line, and the short-term moving average still maintains a downward trend. In the short-term, there may be a rebound in the KD indicator. Today, I noticed that the economic data of the Eurozone will be released in the afternoon. The rise in the US dollar may cause gold to return to the 1450 mark again. The evening market is worried about the House’s investigation of Trump’s impeachment. If the US dollar and US stocks fall, the big opportunity will be pushed up. Gold rebounded to the 5-day moving average, but Fed Chairman Powell’s bullish or economic optimism may lead to a correction in gold.

    外汇)Foreign exchange crude oil:
    外汇)Foreign exchange crude oil was sent out of the United States yesterday to levy tariffs on the EU. In early trading, oil prices showed an upward trend. After that, the resistance price of 57 US dollars fluctuated and fell. After the IMF forecast in the afternoon, global economic growth will slowly rise. In the wake of the sharp rise in the European and American stock markets, the oil price surged to the $57 mark. In the evening, US Vice President Peng Si’s assistant said that he hoped that Congress would vote on the US-Mega agreement before the end of the year. The US stock market’s sharp rise led the oil price to break through again. The highest price was followed by the OPEC representative’s claim that it would not increase production to ease the global oversupply phenomenon, causing oil prices to rush out of the market and fall below the lowest price of the day.
    From the daily level line chart, a short black candlestick of a spindle line was affected by the stock market. The oil price surged to break the previous day"s highest price, but the OPEC representative said that it would not increase production, causing the oil price to sell profitably below the 5-day moving average. In the past 7 days, it was shocked and consolidated around 57 US dollars. The moving average is in a horizontal arrangement, and the trend of shock consolidation is still maintained in the short term. Today"s attention to European and American economic data may cause a turbulent trend. The evening market is worried about the House"s investigation of Trump"s impeachment. If the US stock market decline will drag down the oil price, the US EIA energy report at midnight may increase the demand for crude oil in 2020, which will probably drive up the oil price. The trend, followed by the US release of API crude oil inventories, may be affected by the increase in EIA stocks last week, which may cause oil prices to fall again.

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  2. #2 Colapso post
    Queen está desconectado
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    Nov 2019
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    EUR/USD cae a mínimos en tres días, muy cerca de 1.1100

    Euro extiende caída frente al dólar, logra recuperarse contar la libra.
    Dólar sube frente a las principales monedas, DXY se acerca a máximos del mes.
    El EUR/USD comenzó a retroceder durante la sesión europea, tras cortar con horas de calma y siguió cuesta abajo tras los datos de inflación de la Eurozona. Acaba de marcar un nuevo mínimo en tres días en 1.1105 y está operando en 1.1110, en terreno negativo por segunda jornada en forma consecutiva.

    La caída tiene como principal factor una suba del dólar en el mercado. El índice del dólar (DXY) trepa por segunda jornada en forma consecutiva y regresó a 97.50, acercándose a una resistencia clave alrededor de 97.60, en donde están los máximos recientes.

    Aunque operar en los mercados financieros implica un alto riesgo, también puede generar ingresos adicionales, siempre y cuando aplique el enfoque correcto. Al elegir un bróker confiable como InstaForex, obtiene acceso a los mercados financieros internacionales y abre su camino hacia la independencia financiera. Puede registrarse aquí.

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  4. #3 Colapso post
    Queen está desconectado
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    Los mercados del gas natural han hecho muy poco en la sesión de trading del miércoles, seguramente por el hecho de que se han movido de forma precipitada en las últimas dos sesiones. El nivel en 2.00$ que hay por arriba es un número redondo, importante y significativo a nivel psicológico que actuará a modo de barrera frente al avance de los precios, al igual que la media móvil exponencial (EMA por sus siglas en inglés) a 50 días que hay en torno al nivel en 2.04$. Espero que no se me malinterprete porque no estoy queriendo decir que no podamos atravesar esos niveles hacia arriba pero es cuestión de tiempo que los vendedores entren al mercado y presionen al gas natural a la baja. En este momento hay un exceso enorme de reservas de gas natural por lo que tiene sentido que cualquier subida sea aplastada, tal y como ha ocurrido en los últimos meses.

    Aunque operar en los mercados financieros implica un alto riesgo, también puede generar ingresos adicionales, siempre y cuando aplique el enfoque correcto. Al elegir un bróker confiable como InstaForex, obtiene acceso a los mercados financieros internacionales y abre su camino hacia la independencia financiera. Puede registrarse aquí.

  5. #4 Colapso post
    maramplio está desconectado
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    Nov 2019
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    El Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE) mantuvo esta tarde en Madrid una reunión con empresarios españoles en la que explicó los proyectos y la hoja de ruta económica de la institución para mejorar las inversiones en la región.

    El presidente del BCIE, Dante Mossi, aseguró que España debe ser “un socio fundamental” para Centroamérica y reveló que en una reunión mantenida con la vicepresidenta española para Asuntos Económicos, Nadia Calviño, y representantes de Madrid, planteó la posibilidad de abrir una oficina de representación en la ciudad.

    “Una oficina aquí servirá para acercar Centroamérica a España y que sea la puerta a Europa”, opinó Mossi, en una entrevista con Efe, en la que también dijo que su socio “más grande” es Estados Unidos, seguido de los países de la región y, en tercer lugar, la Unión Europea.

    El BCIE, con sede en Tegucigalpa, es el encargado de captar recursos económicos en mercados internacionales y regionales, con el objetivo de poner en marcha proyectos de desarrollo en áreas como la movilidad, la conservación medioambiental o la industria.

    Aunque operar en los mercados financieros implica un alto riesgo, también puede generar ingresos adicionales, siempre y cuando aplique el enfoque correcto. Al elegir un bróker confiable como InstaForex, obtiene acceso a los mercados financieros internacionales y abre su camino hacia la independencia financiera. Puede registrarse aquí.

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